Category Context Landscape


Insights - Innovative Qualitative

It isn’t enough to know what your competitors are doing. You have to know how your category is operating within the context of today’s culture. For instance, if you are trying to understand the beauty business you need to think about it through a larger lens of wellness, social media influencers, and retail.


Anyone who thinks qualitative research is just focus groups needs a wake up call. Great qualitative comes from genuine curiosity about what makes people tick and the ability to put what you learn into greater context. Since 1999 when I co-founded Just Ask a Woman with Mary Lou Quinlan, I’ve felt strongly that learning with people should feel intimate versus intimidating.

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Ideation - Workshops

Nothing is worse than the pressure of seeing a "brainstorm" meeting show up on your calendar. Great ideas come from lots of places but they are less likely to come from a scheduled 45 minute meeting sandwiched between budget reconciliation and a conference call. Ideation is a different animal than brainstorming so it should be treated that way

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Innovation - Co-creation

Inventing, evolving, and refining new ideas, products, and businesses is both art and science. A great innovation workshop leader should make it look easy so that your group can feel inspired and motivated.

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